“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.”- Max Lucado

JECRC University has been established vide The JECRC University, Jaipur Act, 2012 (Act No.15 of 2012) published in the Gazette of Rajasthan Dated May 2, 2012. The University started its operations and admitted students in various courses w.e.f. the Academic Session 2012-13.

The Programmes at department of Jaipur School of Business at JECRC University, is designed to prepare its graduates for continued learning and successful careers in industry, government, academia and consulting. The programmes has designed in line and benchmark in higher education and research to our graduates by outcome based quality education. Our alumni by their performance will show that they will achieve one or two parameters after two to three year of graduation. Following Program Educational Objectives are finalized after various brainstorming session.

The Programmes at department of Jaipur School of Business at JECRC University, is designed to prepare its graduates for continued learning and successful careers in industry, government, academia and consulting.

Providing a platform to budding entrepreneurs, re-enforcing entrepreneurial skills by interacting with successful entrepreneurs and encouraging innovative business plans coupled with support from angel investors / venture capitalists and business plan competitions.
JU Edge
  • Pedgogue- Professional teachers can influence surface and deep student outcomes
  • Buildout- Guiding students to choose right career and meet manpower requirements of the industry
  • virtuosity – Attuned to help students get most out of their experience while they are enrolled at the school for their academic pursuits
  • Skills Development- Productive capabilities acquired through all levels of learning and training, occurring in formal, non- formal, informal and on-the-job settings.
  • Professional Learning- Data- driven system that considers student and school performance data for tailored insights into the strengths and areas of improvements for individual
  • Enrichment- Programs are scheduled extracurricular classes for advanced academic instructions and activities outside classroom setting.
Our Pillars Message
Dean's Message

Jaipur School of Business of JECRC University's imparts knowledge through a Socratic Method approach such as conceptual teaching, case study approach, role plays, group discussions, summer internships and corporate mentoring, research projects, presentations, tutorials, industrial visits, as well as workshops that promote a spirit of inquiry in young minds and help them enhance their problem-solving and decision-making abilities.

At JSB, JU, we intend to promote interdisciplinary research and development for the benefit of industry and society through research and development. Our faculties create a stimulating environment to nurture students' creativity, innovation, and excellence. Besides business skills, we emphasize ethical and value-based education.

I take this opportunity to extend warm welcome to all admission seekers/ students and their parents who have decided to seek admission in Jaipur School Of Business, JECRC University, Jaipur for the Academic Session 2023-24.

Head- Dept. of Business Administration

The Department of Business Administration has recorded consistent growth in its academic, research and placement performance. We started this journey in 2012 since then the Department has progressed both horizontally and vertically i.e. in term of number of our academic program offerings and in terms of our student strength. We have innovatively designed our syllabus to strike a balance between professional knowledge and personal skills. The curriculum is taught by a team of distinguished faculty members having both academic excellence and real-world experience, with dedication and commitment. We are confident that our current curriculum has enabled the overall development of budding managers to come up with the expectations of the corporate world.

Our goal is to impart value-based education along with the development of positive attitude, better communication skills and abilities through training programs, Club Activities, Cultural & Sports Activities. We also train our students in proficiency of becoming an entrepreneur to apply knowledge in order to meet the challenges of the future having their own start-ups.

Head- Dept. Masters of Business Administration

Welcome to the Jaipur School of Business at JECRC University, Jaipur. Since the inception of Department of Management, the school is aimed to create a healthy, learning environment for students, which could help them grow, develop and sustain in ever-changing, challenging, and competing business environment. Continuous industry-institute interface helps the students in gaining hands-on experience in the corporate world through various internship programmes and live projects.

The department boasts of a number of corporate mentors who guide and direct students directly through various programmes like Professor of Practice (POP), IMPACT etc. A couple of subjects each semester is taught directly by Industry people under Professor of Practice (POP) programme. Looking forward to explore together this beautiful journey of learning, experimenting and researching the wide world of business management.

Head- Dept. of Commerce

I take the opportunity to welcome you all to the Department of Commerce, Jaipur School of Business at JECRC University, came into existence in 2013 to offer B.Com program and has been moving to peaks gradually since then. The Department of Commerce targets to impart academically proficient and professionally relevant teaching in the areas of Accounting and Finance. The department also provides potential candidates to face the challenges in life and their career by providing many value-added Programs to enhance their expertise & skills in various aspects.

With this brief overview, I welcome you to be a part of our journey towards being a world-class center of excellence in education, training, and research.

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